Tuesday 16 October 2012

How ICT Helps The Community

How ICT helps the community

First off, ICT stands for: 


ICT has always been a fundemental part of society and the communities we live in. Councils use ICT to store information about us i.e where we live, our names, date of birth etc. I agree that this can be a great way of tracking information for something that helps you, say you need a birth certificate, the
council will print one off for you.
ICT has also been a key part in the school ethos and any school you go to will always have ICT lessons and this can help them get a job in later life with the key skills they have learnt and this helps the community with  the people who are struggling to find  a decent job

Monday 15 October 2012

Is ICT good or bad ?

ICT, the good parts
ICT can be very useful. It is used in almost every job in the world from office work to mechanics, you can find it almost everywhere in the world aswell form hospitals to schools. ICT can be good for the elderly aswell as the internet is simple and say things such as grocery shopping on the internet can help the elder people of our community as it means they can do not have to walk.
ICT, the bad parts

Even though all of these sound good there can be a down side to ICT. There can be a lot of technical faults and can cost a lot of money to repair and work places can shell out a lot of money on these kind of technical faults money which is used on wages.

Tuesday 9 October 2012

How ict helps the community

 This blog will talk about some of the ways ict helps and shapes th commuinty. We would love to hear your views and feed back. Take time to comment and share your thoughts